What If We Are Right?

GSH911 Information Page


by Keith Hooper

Quick introduction from our leader, Keith Hooper.

Side Hustle
Keith Hooper

(click on image to see video)

Keith Hooper talking about how we have the perfect side hustle.

Side Hustle

(click on image to see video)

Click the picture to watch the video.

The Whole Story

(click on image to see video)

Immunotec; Our beginning Dr Bounous, Dr Kongshavn, ​Dr Gutman & John Molson.

John Molson

(click on image to see video)

Research, science and who are the doctors behind the Immunocal the video is simply amazing.

Dr Hugo

(click on image to see video)

Vice President, Global Scientific Affairs at Immunotec, Dr Hugo will give you some great insghts note how he came to know about Immunocal. This will help when asked, "why does my doctor not know about Immunocal.".

Dina Dabian
Having Purpose

(click on image to see video)

Dina Dabain works as a functional nutritionist and a naturepath, and has studies in homeopathy. Specializes in working with children and fertility issues with young adults.

Jim Spencer

(click on image to see video)

Jim has been with IMMUNOTEC for over 25 years, and no one know the value of Immunocal more so than Jim. When you share this video with anyone that has fibromyalgia, they will thank you.

Judy Skibsted

(click on image to see video)

Judy Skibsted is a treasure for us all as she speaks of the value of Immunocal for both she and ​Dr Skibsted .

JC Martinez
Customer Money
Back Guarantee

(click on image to see video)

We share the facts on the Money Back Guanrtee of Immunocal.

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